there's sayings goes something like this...'world is merely a stage and we are just the actor/actress'. i tend to agree to this, but does it ever cross in our mind who's actually created this so call 'stage'? there's must be a force behind it...isn't? i believe everybody know who the creator is..He has created this stage. He put decorations on it....He make it so cozy apparently He has done His job really-really well, our greatest appreciation to Him (alhamdulillah). now, the problem lies in us....the actor/actress. no point of having such a wonderfull stage but at the end the actor/actress has not doing his/her job well enough. pity us (the actor/actress)...and what has make it more sad is that this actor/actress never without fail keep on asking from the creator to provide more decorations, more lightings, more on and so forth. they said this can help them act better. shameful!
asking for some more is not a wrong thing but unable to play the 'role' given efficiently is wrong. we should put an effort or should consistenly finding ways on how to play the role succesfully. the 'role' wasn't given for the sake of just giving away. there are reasons behind it...ultimately we'll know..insyaAllah, but for the time being we should try harder how to make our acting as a killer act. an outstanding ones!. if we can't do this we basically is worst than cow, goat, elephant, palm tree, rubber tree, sand or even rock as far as playing role is concern. believe me they have their own role too and they've play it so well. let's raise-up a vow to keep on seeking ways on how to play our own role excellently. does'nt matter if while doing so we die halfway because die trying is much more noble than die in disgrace....wallahualam
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6 days ago
tahniah sheikh...
dah maju beberapa langkah...
moga terus istiqomah....
insya allah mendapat keredhoan...
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