Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Langkawi...so close yet so far away!


the long school holidays are just around the corner…and we were thinking in spending few days of it at Langkawi. it’s gonna be fun. we (me and wife) have been getting this idea since last year and been doing the planning back for the last 2 months. it’s already more than 10 years since my last visit to Langkawi…and frankly I, myself is really looking forward on getting back there. getting there by bus, the boat and coming back to K.L by air….pergh!! this could be one phenomenal holiday trip…especially for a small medium income family like us. this would be part of the plan and the kids would certainly love it (especially the ‘kids’ inside me…hehh!!).

going there alone is easy, easy to find time and easy to plan but it’ll definitely a different case if it for the whole family. somehow, I believe for a family it worth the trouble. Langkawi is one of the good places for family’s vacation, if we were talking about having it in our back’s yard. it’s manageable when come for spending, its far but not that far. as I said, you can catch train, and then continue with the bus, the boat and then using the plane for your back-home journey. so, you’ll be able to experience most mode of travel, in a very cost effective way.

nevertheless, it has all changed after a thorough discussion (again…between me and wife). first, are the expenses and secondly is the climate. it’ll mean nothing if we spend so much on the transport and accommodation...but couldn’t do a thing when come to shopping. Langkawi is a duty-free place, it is in distance. you need a great deal of off-days in order to get there. so, by these virtues…you have to shop. to shop wisely of course! I’m not a ‘shop till u drop’ kind of person; neither my wife but we might press the ‘exceptional’ button when come to this. we might go just for the necessity. as for the climate, I suppose you all know that the rainy season has just started.

oh well, with the limited resources we just need to go back to the planning board. apparently, we might go to somewhere nearer as long as the kids would still be having ‘the fun’ and we, the adults would still be having the opportunity to do some little shopping….wallahualam.


KTS said...

wah... seronoknya dpt klu dpt shopping...
'shop till u drop'... i likeeee

happy holiday...


azlin hashim said...

Shopping? sy tak tau lah, sy kurang bershoping... masuk pasaraya pun beli benda2 penting jek, pastuh cpt2 kluar...

Sy cukup pelik dgn org yg sanggup habiskan masa dia kat shopping complex... huh!

nahmy said...

hi hola & azlin,

timakasih atas dtg bertandang. bab shopping tu...kita kena belajo 'mendidik nafsu' agar tak terlajak. spt yg saya tulih...kita pikirkan yg perlu & praktikal je. tp terlajak sikit2 tu takpe le..itula kita yg nama 'manusia'.