it’s been 2 struggling weeks for me and wife as parent. those, whenever only the eldest was schooling we only need to get-down with 10 pairs of uniform, one-person pocket money, one-person expenses to be exact. but now, since the 2nd one has joint in, everything’s seem so tiring...well now the number of uniform has increased to 20 pairs and all the expenses need to be double-up accordingly. honestly, I’m not complaining just narrating called factual-taxing story while waiting for the ‘platform’ become sturdier. eventually, now the platform although there are some minor shakes, but has become a little bit firmer and sturdier...Alhamdulillah, syukur!.
every parents, I believe are facing this. these are our responsibilities. we need to do this. for me doing this still a little bit easier compare to; try to coupe-up not having children. especially after been married for certain number of years. don’t you think so? tiring? taxing? less rest and sleep? well, it’s all worth it. if you ask any married couple that was not being able to have kid yet...I believe 70 to 80 percent of them willing to trade places with you. kids wouldn’t troubling you...they just kids. they carrying their ‘job’ as kids…that’s it! the problem lies in us as the parent. we seem to misunderstand what ‘exactly’ their job is...yes!- we also use to have the same ‘job’ but unfortunately we can’t recall it. then...whose mistake would it be?
this article is not my way of showing the smart side of me by asking you guys what we should and shouldn’t do concerning to our loving children. this was written merely meant for myself. to calm me...and to-without-fail reminding me some of the things that I may confronted whilst raising my own kids. that’s it…nothing much and nothing less. as to parents like us (me and wife), it’s not the obligation of raising kids that will haunt us, it’s the thought of whether they mind us or not in the future. doesn’t 'love' works both ways?...wallahualam.
Anak-anak itu amanah dari Allah yang perlu dijaga dengan baik. Susah atau senang memang kena jaga betul-betul tapi macam nahmy kata memang worth it. anak-anak jadi penghubung kasih sayang di antara suami dan isteri
dlu kita pun camtu gak kan.. makayah sibuk cari duit utk beli bju n yuran n skrg turn kita lak hehe
10 pairs of uniform per person ? Amboi..!! banyaknya ....
Macam mana pulak sampai gitu ? Tie beli 2 pasang je sorang... tak de masalah pun. Tiap hari cuci laa.. malam gosok baju..
Tak pun kalau yang bekerja, boleh beli 3 pasang. Sebab mungkin tak sempat nak gosok... sebab ada hari ko, kena pakai baju ko pulak.
saya pun nak tanya soalan yg sama mcm Tie - sampai 10 pasang seorg?
Anak2 saya cuma 2 pasang aje. Pakai dari Isnin - Rabu dan Khamis - Jumaat. Tahun beli lagi sepasang. Jadi ada 3 pasang.
Tapi kalau mampu apa salahnya kan. Cuma emak Adam nak ajar anak2 kami berdisiplin dan jangan kotorkan pakaian mereka.
keletah anak mmg mencabar utk lagi sekali it's all worth it
kdg2 kita terlupa dulu mak ayah kita pun tercabar dek kita
haa'aa...dah agak ada org tanye. sebenarnya anak saya jenis yg kecil je..jd saban tahun uniform diorng bertambah, cam yg sulung drjh 5, baju dia drjh dua pong ada lagi...jadi bertambah le bilangannya. yg adik mmg dia ada 10 psg sbb kite orng beli yg rega 3-4 hinggit sepasang je...jd klu koyak takpe le...bior byk senang sikit. cuma bab menggosok tu yg mencabar..
saya pon nak ikut cam YB dlm bab mendisiplinkan anak..jd dia tak suka kotorkan baju, tapi alahaiii...dah budak, budak juga..
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