Saturday, September 29, 2007

....all are because of Him


its been 17 Ramadhan, how is it? great is it? loss few inches of the waist line? allriighht….. another 13 days to raya. I shared the spirit with you guys, the ‘raya’ spirit. happy and looking forward to it but that actually wouldn’t be the thing that worry and sadden us more. it would be the Ramadhan that is leaving us! ‘raya’ is important but ‘Ramadhan’ is more and more important. Ramadhan is not just month but it’s the month of everything. its might be hard at the beginning but we’ll fall in love with it at the later stage…just be brave to be open and you’ll have it. me too. adjusting the schedule is the one that really gave me the heck of a time…but now I'm adjusted already! and getting used to it. alhamdulillah the whole family has undergoing the same.

Rasullulah and sahabat even cry when reaching to 1st Syawal and definitely not because of ‘raya’ but because of can they being given another opportunity to see the next Ramadhan. that is how they value Ramadhan. it’s the most sought-after month for us the Muslim. it is where the Allah’s rahmah, forgiveness and the potential to be freed from hell’s torments being placed. all we have to do is to grab it. for all you know…if we taking nap during the daytime, we’ll still being given the pahala by Allah. that’s why I for sure will nap not only once a day but few times a day if got the chance doing it..hehh..hehe! it’s the pahala guy…the pahala!!

let’s fill-up the next 13 days with the ibadah and devotions to Allah up to the max. it might be our last Ramadhan. doing so I believe is still too little comparing to what Allah has granted us. stay stun for a while and look around us. it’s all given by Him. the health, the material, the kids, the parent, the career, the car, the time and last but not least the LIFE. its all came from Him. the ‘strength’ to lift hand to do the takbir is also came from Him. all given by Him…so lets do the best because of Him for this coming another 13 days of Ramadhan. also not to forget to stay awake and alert exclusively to get the night of the Qadar…..wallahualam.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ramadhan pun terus berjalan....


"cap..cup..cap..cup", sedapnya anakku yang bongsu mengunyah 'nata de coco'nya. si abang hanya memerhati - sedih. "adik puasa ke?", tanyaku. "kuasaa..", jawabnya 'confident'. gitula anaku yang pompuan sorang...umur nak masuk 5 tu. 'kuasa' dengan 'puasa' pun payah nak bezakan...inikan pula maksud puasa...lagile tak paham. takpe le janji dia 'puasa' dah le walaupun puasanya tu ikut version dia...hati senang, takde sapa ganggu hatta abang yang kekadang mengerlingg...mengetap gigi!. itula 'version' puasa bebudak dan satu lagi 'version' puasa bebudak ialah diaorang ni selalu puasa tapi tak solat...lebih-lebih budak yang berumur di bawah 10 tahun. ramai yang sebegini dan takpe le sebab mereka memang pun belum dikuatkuasakan untuk bersolat, belum wajib tapi ada pula yang walaupun di usia yang camni solat dan puasa dah tip top. perrhh!!...ini memang hebat dan kita yang ada anak ni pun memang sentiasa nakkan anak kita jadi camtu kan?...insyaAllah.

tapikan...ada tu, yang dah tua bangka umur diaorang tapi bila puasa saling tak tumpah macam puasa bebudak tadi. diaorang puasa tapi tak solat. kan lebih baik kalau dah tak solat tu lebih baik dioarang tu tak puasa terus...sebab dalam rukun islam puasa datang selepas solat. jadi kalau dikira ikut formula matematik kampung pun kita tahu dah...kita kena buat solat dulu then barulah aci nak buat puasa tuh kan? satu lagi untuk mendapat puasa yang class A, pra-syaratnya jangan ditinggal amalan-amalan wajib yang lain...yang diperintahkanNya untuk kita buat. itu je..

solat ni kan...sebelum kita nak tinggalkannya, cubalah kita renungkan dulu kepayahan dan pengorbanan Rasulullah berulang-alik jumpa Allah untuk susutkan bilangan 50 rakaat ke 5 rakaat sahaja. ini cerita Isyrak-Mikraj brother...dan rasanya semua kita tahu. kita tak habis-habis berselawat, menyanjung Rasulullah tapi kita buat tak kisah kepayahan dan pengorbanan baginda dalam menjadikan solat ni mudah untuk umatnya...alaahaaaiii... fikirle brother. tak kesian ke kita kat Rasulullah? takde nilai ke pengorbanan baginda? memang solat atau apapun amalan dan ibadah kita lakukan hanya kerana Allah, tapi di sini hanya nak menunjukkannya dalam cara senang fikir. dalam cara pendek akallaa..kalau benar kita sanjung Rasulullah maka perlulah amalan dan suruhan baginda kita ikut namun segala amalan tu memang dah pasti kita lakukan kerana Allah. itu dah confirmed!. gitule.....wallahualam

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

ceria menyambut Ramadhan


diriwayatkan daripada Thalhah bin Ubaidillah r.a katanya;

seorang penduduk Najd telah datang mengadap Rasulullah s.a.w dengan keadaan rambutnya yang kusut. kami mendengar nada suaranya tetapi tidak memahami kata-katanya. setelah hampir kepada Rasulullah s.a.w dia terus bertanya mengenai Islam. lalu Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Ia adalah sembahyang lima waktu sehari semalam. lelaki tersebut bertanya lagi: Masihkah ada sembahyang yang lain diwajibkan kepadaku? Rasulullah menjawab dengan bersabda: Tidak, kecuali engkau ingin melakukannya secara sukarela iaitu sembahyang sunat. Seterusnya kamu hendaklah berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan. lalu lelaki tersebut bertanya lagi: Masih adakah puasa lain yang diwajibkan kepadaku? Baginda menjawab dengan bersabda: Tidak, kecuali jika engkau ingin melakukannya secara sukarela iaitu puasa sunat. Rasulullah meneruskan sabdanya: Keluarkanlah zakat. kemudian lelaki tersebut bertanya: Adakah terdapat zakat lain yang diwajibkan kepadaku? Baginda menjawab dengan bersabda: Tidak, kecuali engkau ingin melakukannya secara sukarela iaitu sedekah. kemudian lelaki itu beredar sambil berkata: Demi Allah, aku tidak akan menambah dan menguranginya. Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Dia amat beruntung sekiranya membenarkan iaitu menepati apa yang telah diucapkannya.
hadith riwayat Bukhari & Muslim
salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak dan selamat berpuasa

Friday, September 07, 2007

cute guy 'smeagol'


incidentally, I came across to once again catch Lord of The Rings: Return of The King. it’s been aired last night and honestly it never stops to amaze me although it’s my third or fourth time. it’s still one of the movies that interest me a lot. the one that fascinate me most is how on earth can the writer come out writing such a story and the character that keep my brain pounding due to its outstanding and full with surprises role in the storyline is definitely the “smeagol”. its ever cross to my mind that the writer use to read Malay literature or myth because that “smeagol” probably is his version to ‘dogol’ – a funny character normally being mention in Malays comical literature. infact even the names sound almost alike!?

well, smeagol might be my favorite character but my favorite scenes in this third saga are one when the Nazgul – the great warrior of darkness being killed by a lady and the other one is when the King and its people bowed, kneeled before the four hobbits. the latter probably superseded the former as the scene that I like most. this scene gave so many messages. it portrayed that though the hobbits are small but to the King they’re not. the King knows how ‘big’ the hobbits are concerning to their contributions and sacrifices. the King never patronized the role they’ve played. the King went on with his status-quo bowing to this little people and called them ‘friends’....ooohhh, what an intriguing moments!!. as for us...we’re so messed-up doing the opposite. we so use in giving ‘title’ to the others (though we haven’t mention it verbally!!) but the treatment tells it all. 2nd class people, 2nd class friend, 2nd class student, VVIP, VIP, so on and so forth.

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I’m not worshipping the western movies but the effort, creativity, research and time spent are the one that I adore most – undoubtedly. we can learn this and I believe somewhere here, someone is doing the learning. I believe in our strength and creativity too. giving a time, support and money....sooner or later we’ll come out with one too, same goes to the writer. we’ll have someone like that JRR Tolkien. we should never stop believing, not even in this area but in whatever area especially if it for the benefit of the mass. ‘believe’ is one thing but have faith in what we believe is another thing. so lets ‘believe’ and have faith in what we believe as this will keep us striving to be the best. hidupp smeagol!! hehe...heh...wallahualam.