how are you brother? are you having a wonderful and meaningful life thus far? have you really fulfilled your life requirement? if you are now let say 60 years old...have you done so many good things just to fill-up those years. are you dare to be answerable for it?
let stay calm for a while. did you know that 9 to 5 working hours actually belong to somebody else. let assuming that those hours is the working platform, then definitely this platform is not yours. you only work on that platform so that you can earn your wage. so, what about those 60 years? who actually own those years...and have you really sweat-out the best of yours so that you can earn your fruitful ‘wage’?
yes, life is short brother and you really are concern on how you going to die?. well, that’s actually beyond our control. the one that actually within our control is how we going to live? because this will determine how our next life going to looks like. by all means brother, live the life to the fullest by of course following the instructions given by the ‘owner’ of the working platform.
make sure to always remember your living purposes. the moment you leave your mother’s womb is the moment you start heading to another ‘life’. it is the kindness of the ‘owner’ that He allow you to grow-up, finish your school, went into university, getting good job, enjoying married life, raising your children, playing with your grandkids, so on and so forth. but please remember, all these are life decorations.
it’s not what you going to leave behind but it is what you’ll bring to the next life that’s really matter. be objective brother. be well-prepared. you can die anytime, anywhere and in whatever manners but well preparation will assist in smoothening your journey.
preparations can come in many forms brother. strictly following and upholding His instructions, helping people around you, assisting in spreading His words, obeying His messenger’s teachings, defending your faith and belief, giving donations to the poor, so on and so forth...all these are some of it. although it just a few but it enough to keep us 'busy'. do these often, honestly and full-heartedly just because of Him. be grateful to Him and you are then start to get prepared.
worship Him in your heart and in whatever you do brother and may He bless us all with His rahmat, insyaAllah.
Ingat dan lupa
6 days ago
Assalamualaikum Nahmy..
Moga sdra sihat hendaknya..
"Follow the instructions given by the ‘owner’ of the working platform." Hidup kita di dunia ini jangan hendaknya sesuka hati, mengikut kehendak hawa nafsu sahaja, ada peraturan yang perlu diikuti dan ditaati.
Nahmy, who gave u this letter? he he
tetiba menyibuk nak tau
dtg singgah.. ye le.. sapa yg bg ni.. apapun baik jg utk pedoman
Dear Nahmy,
Terima Kasih berkongsi.
Izin share disini ye..
did you know that 9 to 5 working hours actually belong to somebody else. let assuming that those hours is the working platform, then definitely this platform is not yours. you only work on that platform so that you can earn your wage....
okey ini gua setuju...
Semoga pedoman yang indah ini dapat sama-sama dilazimi, insyaallah mendapat barakah dan sejahtera.
ceria selalu.
abd razak..
w'alaikumsalam. alhamdulillah sihat. syukran atas komen.
one close friend gave it to me...'so close'
hidup mmg penuh dgn perkongsian. sesama semoga kita beroleh menafaat
syukran atas kunjungan & komen. semoga kita seama mendpt menafaat...insyaAllah
admin p@p..
gitula cikgu. ia sbg renungan diri sendiri dan sbg satu perkongsian utk renungan bersama
kawan rapat kirim surat ni...'sgt rapat'. semoga kita dpt pengajaran sedikit sbyk drnya
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