Saturday, June 28, 2008

mengingatkan diri


sempena kemasukkan usia diri ke angka 40...maka di sini saya ingin berkongsi doa yg di sarankan seseorang kepada saya. kepada rakan dan mereka yg seangkatan bolehle diselitkan ke dalam doa-doa yg sering dibaca samada di ketika selepas solat atau di ketika mana jua. doa ini adalah yg di ambil dari surah Al-Ahqaf : 15.

رَبِّ أَوْزِعْنِي أَنْ أَشْكُرَ نِعْمَتَكَ الَّتِي أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيَّ وَعَلَى وَالِدَيَّ وَأَنْ أَعْمَلَ صَالِحًا تَرْضَاهُ وَأَصْلِحْ لِي فِي ذُرِّيَّتِي إِنِّي تُبْتُ إِلَيْكَ وَإِنِّي مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ

ertinya : Ya tuhanku taufiqkanlah aku (tunjukkilah hatiku) buat mensyukuri nikmat Mu, yg telah Engkau berikan padaku dan kepada kedua orang ibubapaku dan supaya aku kerjakan amal soleh yg Engkau sukai dan perbaikilah bagiku anak-anak cucuku (keturunanku). sungguh aku bertaubat kepadaMu dan aku termasuk orang-orang islam.

apa yg menggusarkan di usia sebegini ialah bilamana kita terlupa untuk kembali mengingatkan diri...jadi sama-sama kita pohon padaNya agar 'keterlupaan' itu tidak terus menerus menguasai kita...wallahualam.

Friday, June 27, 2008

where have those pretty days gone?

assalamualaikum...and hi there!

snatch thefts, break-ins, robberies, kidnaps, car thefts, ATM hijacks and a lot more similar crimes are now multiplying. the rate might differ between places to another. I might not get the statistic but indeed there’ll be one in tomorrow’s paper. then, there’ll be 2-3 cases the day after. these thieves, robbers or whatever you prefer to call them are getting creative and bold nowadays. yess...they even use the excavator!! some of them hijacked the ATM in broad daylight, in a bank about a kilometer away from the local police station. they paint black the CCTV first! I guess for them...its all or nothing. what’s actually that has initiated them to be so daring? what’ll be the reasoning? and what does it transcend?

it’s the economy has gone bad (...and this is my reading). lot of companies is doing the laid-off instead of hiring. jobs are not that easy to get. the company that’s hiring has also become so particular. they like those with the experience better. if they taking the fresh, the number were so small, most of them were sitting as interns. the practice of publishing the job’s opening is probably as a publicity stunt for them, well…it might for the sake of to uphold their share’s value sky-high.

back to the crimes issue, people tend to act foolishly when they’re being pressured. they for go the consequences. they for go their human’s affections. they seek for the best and the easiest way out. if the economy were humble thinking is, chances for all this to happen might still exist but not as intense as now. crimes rate is the true and direct indications of how the economic situation’s like. it’s scary but it’s true!!

yes, I do agree that what person’s become is the result of his/her own act. no doubt about it. but down deep...there’s a reason of why he/she acted like that. the brains in the government can study this. the history has shown us...just look back for a while...have some picture of how’s the era of Umar Abdul Aziz looks like. we can definitely learn something.....wallahualam.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hollywood vs Bollywood


tengah belek-belek suratkhabar hari ni tetiba terhentilah pada satu artikel yg agak menarik pada saya...tentang Sylvester Stalone dan Arnold Schwazenegger yg akan berlakon dalam filem terbitan Bollywood. bertuahlah badan si mamat dua orang nih...yeela dapat 'pegang-pegang', 'gesel-gesel' pipi dengan aktress-aktress Bollywood yg 'bergetah' tu semua. manthopp...gitu! dahlah badan-badan hero Hollywood tu memang pejal...dah tu 'bertuah' pula badan diorang tu kan?? pejal dan bertuah..oohhhh....

yg tersengih kelat sekejap mungkin hero-hero Bollywood Dev Anand, Saif Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Abisheek, Salman Khan...kublai khan...dan yg sama waktu dengannya. mana tak...peranan diorang dah disapu sekejap oleh hero-hero Hollywood. makin mengelitislah heroin-heroin Bollywood tu. mengelitis dan mengenyam sakan le nampaknya diaorang tu.

apa yg menarik pula dah tentulah kita nak tengok camne la si Sylvester dan Arnold tu menari ala Bollywood...sambil tukar baju 60-70 pasang baju walau untuk satu lagu. pasti menarik tu. kalau setakat tengok diorang belasah krook tu...dah biasa dah. kita nak tengok diaorang menari sambil menyanyi pulak....gamat tuh!! mereka pun mungkin kena belajar dulu sikit-sikit dgn pelakon lelaki Bollywood yg dah biasa berlakon peranan-peranan camtu. kat mana nak pegang heroin Bollywood tu, kat mana nak gesel pipi, nak gesel hidung...nak gelek punggung...dan macam-macam lagi lah.

tapi yg pastinya tak seorang pun dari pelakon Hollywood tu yg akan membawa peranan Inspektor Syahab...tu memang dah pasti punye!! sebabnya?? itu sendiri pikir le...wallahualam.

Friday, June 20, 2008

empat puluh

sekonyong, 40 pertama telah pergi
meninggalkan kepayahan, resah dan gusar
hayunan kaki menderap terus
mencari sirna di ufuk mendung
mengintai ceria 40 kedua

batuk terlohong menumbuk dada
lutut jengkel diketuk ditepuk
uban dan urat berselirat
kaya bijaksana, renungan menajam
mengintai harapan 40 kedua

semangat utuh masih disandang
alasan berdiam dilempar ke sisih
nafsu-nafsi bersulam menyela tiba
kembara pencarian teguh menangkis
mengintai ruang 40 kedua

tugas dan beban digalas hemah
derai keringat kering tak bersapa
impian dan destinasi silih menjelma
si lahad antara yang memanggil
mengintai kesempatan 40 kedua

tersadung, mengguling dan bangkit
mengerah kederat yang makin nipis
menadah doa, meminta redha
pegun melontar soalan di benak kecil
adakah 40 kedua dapat dilangkahi?

nahmy, 20 Jun 2008.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

bahasa jiwa bangsa


perrgh!!...kelakar mat jenin rongak tertelan bola golf! itulah saja yg dapat saya umpamakan bila menengok iklan suratkhabar terbaru NST tu. semuanya pada mulanya agak okay...terutama wajah 'mat saleh' pompuan yg menarik tu. suasana, konsep dan matlamat memang ngemm...tapi tang tak menarik ialah perlaksanaannya. perlaksanaannya menjadikan wujudnya satu lagi 'hidden' matlamat iaitu sesapa yg baca NST tu memang 'senang' dapat kerja. matlamat utama iaitu menggalakkan pelajar-pelajar mempelajari dan memahiri bahasa Inggeris dah tenggelam bila 'sang hero' menyatakan..."kalau baca NST ni...senang dapat kerja" (lebih kurang gitu le).

saya juga ada terbaca betapa angkasawan negara kita mempromosi bahasa Inggeris. bagusle...tapi kalau tak salah dia pun kena belajar bahasa Rusia sedikit sebanyak masa nak ke angkasa dulu tu. Rusia yg memang advance dari segi teknologi lebih-lebih lagi teknologi angkasanya masih guna bahasa ibundanya sendiri...habih camno? citernya senang je...memahirkan diri dengan bahasa Inggeris tu memangle penting sebab dia kan bahasa antarabangsa...tapi untuk mengatakan dengan memahiri bahasa tu akan jadikan senang dapat kerja atau jadikan kita lebih maju dan berteknologi dari orang lain, pada saya yang tak bijak sangat ni amatlah tidak kena (mungkinlah kalau utk kerja-kerja seperti penterjemah dan sebagainya). Jepun pun maju...tapi dgn bahasa mereka. gitu juga dengan German, Perancis dan China, Iran dan sebagainya.

kalau nak dikiralah...payahlah bagi sesapa yg bisu tu...sebab apa bahasa pun diaorang tak dapat nak menuturnya. susahle diorang nak pi mana-mana, nak maju dan berteknologi. bayangkanlah bila diorang nak apply cari keja...lagi le payah kan? tapi hakikatnya tak begitu...semuanya di ukur bukan pada kemahiran berbahasa...tapi benda-benda lain juga. jadi pada adik-adik pelajar belajar dan mahirkan lah diri dengan bahasa Inggeris...tak salah bahkan memang baik. tapi kalau dah belajar masih tak boleh 'mahir' juga dengan bahasa Inggeris tu tak mengapa. teruskan...dan jgn khuatir 'mungkin' susah dapat kerja tapi senang pulak korang jadi 'boss'...mana tahukan? macam (kalau tak salah le...) the late Goh Chok Tong dan Boon Siew tu...ada duit semua boleh jalan. gitu le ...wallahualam..

Friday, June 13, 2008

between the Euro and the Petrol


just hours ago the game between Croats and the Germans ended. the Croats has tamed the Germans by 2 to 1. a day before it was the Turks which has done the same towards the Swiss. what a game it was! the Turks won 2 to 1 by the last minute goal. a very entertaining game, though not as fast as when the Swiss met the Czechs.

that was the Swiss second defeat and they have become the first team to sign-off. they lost their first game with the Czechs and I think it is because the lucks were not really at their side. they controlled the game, they did their attacks and they even hit the goal bar few times…but yet they lost. the shitty part is that they lost it right before their own crowd.

I missed few games resulted of being too sleepy, just can’t stand it. I believe being a sweet-40 guy is something that got to do with it. the first day’s games luckily got my wife accompanied me. with the children have gone sleeps, we watch whilst chatting…we make the most of our own 'quality time'. the third thing that accompanied us was a pot of coffee. the game was so fast and the players were all so energetic and with the extra help from the coffee we manage to gone thru until the end.

soon after we found out that it were not the coffee and pace of the game that keep us active; it’s the topic of our chat. it’s about finding ways on how to deal with the daily expenses that has gone ballooning. although we could teach the children to save the water, electricity and do smart-spending but definitely we can’t restrict on how much rice they ought to consume. same goes whenever they want to drink milk, chocolate, tea or whatever. now, it’s certainly our 'trying time'. unbelievably, all these happen were not because of our own act but because of ‘somebody’s act - somebody that wanted to be smart-aleck. so fortunate that I’ve already get used watching TV, the EURO2008 per say - in dark!...well as long as it’s ‘live’….wallahualam.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

petrol : an act of insincere


I strongly believe that this subject on petrol’s price hike has been touched by lot of people. in fact it’s an on-going issue right now. might as well for me to jump into the bandwagon…while it’s still hot, while it’s still being said as the most life-ruining factor at this particular time.

I can’t really understand the step taken by the government in tackling the petrol’s price issue. no more subsidy, that was what they said. subsidy only for the lower income group…they said this later on. the subsidy will be used to other things that will back benefited the people…they said this much later. we apparently had heard this before, aren’t we? mostly right after the previous hike….sadly what we have actually get? where’s the people-friendly development? where’s the efficient-oriented public transport service? where’s the better-living standard for the rural folks? where?

now they back singing the same tune. hardly, can I understand it? if they really want the subsidy not to be manipulated by the rich what they should do is to impose the raise only to the rich…to those who’s driving above 2.0cc cars. don't impose it to all walk of life people and later on providing allowance to those driving below 2.0 cc cars (by the way, the allowance is far smaller than the hikes’ figure). they can ask the station to segregate the pump between the 2.0cc cars and below 2.0cc cars. in my layman view, this way seem more practical and definitely more sincere than applying the hikes cross the board and later on giving back the allowance (to those driving below 2.0cc cars).

looking to current world’s petrol price, I believe the people know that sooner or later our own petrol’s price will rise. but, increase by 78 cent is really burdening. the sadden part especially for people whose have family like me is whenever the price of all the sundries and groceries, daily necessity goods has also gone up. the price of sugar in our area as told by my wife has risen 40 cents more. my oh my...! I'm already shivering just to wait what are other necessity goods that will also be having the chain-reaction effect….wallahualam.